Campionia is a football agency, specialized in working with the most promising Bulgarian talents.


We organize the most recognized football camps in Bulgaria


With our vast network of contacts in Bulgaria and across the world,
we help players and coaches with career guidance and legal help


We partner with the best clubs and academies in Europe to organize
the best football seminars in Bulgaria


Founded it 2017, in it’s core Campionia is a football agency, which has a main goal to scout and then help in the career development of the most talented Bulgarian players. We work with partners across the world – we open doors for them in the Bulgarian market and they help us reach markets across the globe. We have successfully finalized transfers in clubs like Benfica, Parma, Pisa, and others:


Campiona is official partner of STATSports for Bulgaria. Together we help the best talents in Bulgaria and run different campaigns.

“ONCE” is a leading software for game analysis. We partner with them to educate and support the Bulgarian coaches.

Индивидуални тренировки по футбол

Together with Coerver Coaching we have done multiple events in Bulgaria, including seminars, football camps as well as tailored projects within clubs.

Founded by an ex-Athletic Bilbao head of methodology, Kimet is a leading tool for creating training planning models. We are proud to be partnering with them for the Bulgarian market.

Alexander Zahariev, one of the co-founders of Campionia, is working closely with the Dutch platform Tactalyse to improve the tactical knowledge of our players.


Georgi Zahariev and Alexander Zahariev

At the heart of the creation of Campionia are two brothers – Georgi Zahariev and Alexander Zahariev. Their path in football started at an early age. After a few years as players in the academy of PFC Slavia, they chose to continue on different paths. At the moment Georgi is a FIFA licensed football agent, and Alexander is a UEFA A licensed coach. You can learn more about us here:


Football agency in Bulgaria

One of the main problems in Bulgarian football is the lack of discussion, the lack of different opinions. The closed circle of people who lead and make decisions at the highest level leads to clientelism and conformism. The differing opinions are criticized and the new proposals against the status quo are rejected. That’s why we decided to create a blog in which to share ideas, give useful information and make constructive criticism. Since all the things we write about are specific to the Bulgarian football, the blog in only available in Bulgarian language. Nevertheless, you can still see some of the things we do in our news cention: